“Not to Offend: Observations on Iran, the Hostages, and the Hostage Rescue Mission -- Ten Years Later.” Vol. 9, Number 4, Comparative Strategy.
“Shawl of Lead: From Holy War to Civil War in Afghanistan.” Vol. X, Number 3, Conflict.
“The Break-Up: General de Gaulle's Separation from Power,” Journal of Contemporary History, January 1992.
“The Response of the Strong to the Weak: The American Raid on Libya, 1986,” Vol. 6, Number 3, Intelligence and National Security.
“The In-Culture of the DO (Directorate of Operations, CIA),” Vol. 8, Number 1, Intelligence and National Security.
“Covert Action and Congressional Oversight: A Deontology.” Vol. 16, Number 2, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.
“Surprise Follows Surprise: the Role of Intelligence and Liaison in the Cuban Missile Crisis,” presentation to a conference on "Europe and the Cuban Crisis" October 16-17, 1992 in Paris, (published by Armand Colin in May 1993 as part of the proceedings of the conference, under the title, “L'Europe et la crise de Cuba”).
“The New American Intelligence: an Epiphany,” Working Paper Number 3, Olin Institute, February 1993. (Published in condensed form in the Foreign Service Journal, February 1996).
“Partners in Time: the CIA and Afghanistan Since 1979,” World Policy Journal, Summer 1993.
“Intelligence and Crisis Management: the Importance of the Pre-Crisis.” Presentation to a conference on crisis management sponsored by the General Secretariat of National Defense in Toulon, September 1993 (published by the Imprimerie Nationale as part of the proceedings of the conference. Also published in the Revue d'Histoire Diplomatique, Vol. 3, 1994). English-language version published in Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 9, No. 4.
“Lost Opportunity or Mission Impossible: the Gaullist Initiatives in China and Vietnam, 1963-1964,” presentation to a conference of the Charles de Gaulle Foundation in Paris in May 1994. Published by Cahiers de la Fondation Charles de Gaulle, No. 1, 1995. English-language version published in French Politics and Society, Winter 1995.
“Sans bienveillance: les relations franco-américaines, 1944-1945.” Presentation sponsored by the Charles de Gaulle Foundation in Paris in May 1995. Published in Espoir, Number 109, November 1996.
“La crise dans le renseignement américain.” Presentation to the Centre d'Etudes d'Histoire de la Défense (CEHD) in Paris in May 1995. Published by Cahiers du Centre d'études d'histoire de la Défense, No. 1, 1996.
“Une vision américaine du renseignement français.” Presentation to the Centre d'études scientifiques de la Défense (CESD) in February 1996. Published by the Fondation pour les études de Défense in its Collection Perspectives Strategiques under the title "Approches Françaises du Renseignement."
“De la politique du mensonge à la farce de Suez: appréhensions et réactions américaines.” Presentation to the CEHD in Paris in October 1996. Published by ADDIM in 1997 in a collection entitled, “La France et l’opération de Suez de 1956.” English-language version, “From the Politics of Lying to the Farce at Suez,” in Intelligence and National Security , Vol. 13, Number 2, Summer 1998.
“Netanyahu's Web.” The Almanac of Sea Power, 1997.
“Coexistence Uneasy, Cohabitation Unlikely: the Arabs and the World Outside.” Vol. 8, Number 2, Mediterranean Quarterly.
“The United States in the Face of the Islamic Revival.” Presentation to the Strategic Concepts Workshop, Naval War College, September 18-19, 1997. Published in an edited volume by Naval War College Press, 1998, entitled,
“Strategic Transformation and Naval Power in the 21st Century,” Pelham G. Boyer and Robert S. Wood, editors.
"France, the United States, and the Invisible Algerian Outcome.” Presentation at a conference on the Algerian War at the University of Salford in October 1996. Published in an edited volume by Frank Cass, 2002, entitled, “France and the Algerian War 1954-62, Strategy, Operations and Diplomacy,” Martin S. Alexander and J.F.V. Keiger, editors.
“Indivisible défense contre indivisible souveraineté: les Etats-Unis face au retour de de Gaulle, 1958.” Presentation to a conference in Reims, October 5-6, 1997, sponsored by the Charles de Gaulle Foundation and the Archives de France. Published as part of the proceedings of the conference by Armand Colin in 1999 under the title “L’avènement de la Ve République: Entre nouveauté et tradition.”
“L’attitude des Etats-Unis à l’égard de la guerre d’Indochine.” Presentation to a conference sponsored by the CEHD in Paris, November 30-December 1, 1998. Published as part of the proceedings of the conference by Editions Complexe, 2000, under the title “L’Armée française en Indochine: adaptation ou inadaptation?”
“Wye River, Long Fleuve: the CIA, the PLO and the Peace Process.” Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol. 10. No. 2, Spring 1999.
“The Security Crisis of the late 1940’s.” Presentation to a conference on
“NATO: the First Fifty Years,” held in Brussels and Bonn in May 1999. Published in Volume 2 of a three-volume edited work by Palgrave, 2001, entitled, “A History of NATO: the First Fifty Years,” Gustav Schmidt, editor.
“Towards a Colonial War: the American Takeover of Responsibility in Vietnam, 1945-1956.” Presentation to a conference entitled, “New Evidence on China, Southeast Asia and the Vietnam War,” held at the University of Hong Kong, January 11-12, 2000 and sponsored by the Cold War International History Project (CWIHP).
“Absorption vs. Autonomy: the Euro-American Security Dilemma, 1994-2000.” Presentation to a conference at the University of Washington, May 2000. Incorporated into the book, “The Third Option.”
“From the Fall of France to the Force de Frappe: the Remaking of French Military Power, 1940-1962.” Presentation to a conference on Inter-war Strategic and Military Planning, Olin Institute, Cambridge, June 2-3, 2000. Published in Monica Duffy Toft and Talbot Imlay, eds., The Fog of Peace and War Planning: Military and Strategic Planning under Uncertainty (London: Routledge, 2006).
“L’Attitude américaine à l’égard de la Politique européenne commune de sécurité et de défense (PECSD).” Presentation to a conference of l’Association Eurodéfense at Paris, June 15-16 2000. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference.
“NATO and the EU: the Contest for Enlargement.” Presentation to the Conference of the Commission for International History at Oslo, August 2000. Published in the proceedings of the conference.
“Des Adieux sur le toit: le départ américain de Saigon, avril 1975. ” Presentation to a conference on “Les villes symboles” at the Centre mondial de la paix at Verdun, November 10-11, 2000. Published in Les Cahiers de la Paix, No. 9, 2003.
“American and European Relations since 1945.” Publication forthcoming in UNESCO’s Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS).
"‘How Fuzzy Can One Be?’ the American Reaction to de Gaulle’s Proposal for the Neutralization of (South) Vietnam.” Presentation to a conference at the Johnson Library, April 20-22, 2001, on “The Vietnam War: the Search for Peace in the Johnson Years.” Published in The Search for Peace in Vietnam, 1964-1968 (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2004).
“Les États-Unis et la France Combattante: des relations instables et souvent conflictuelles.” Presentation to a conference on “The Foreign Policies of France 1940-1944,” held at Université Sorbonne III – Paris Nouvelle, June 8-9, 2001. Published in Relations Internationales, No. 108, Winter 2001.
“Desert One: difficultés et défaillances,” presentation to a conference on
“Special Forces” held June 11-12, 2001 in Paris, under the joint sponsorship of the CEHD and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference. English version (“Desert One and its Disorders”) published in January 2003 by the Journal of Military History.
“The Black Hole of Intelligence: in History and in Operations,” presentation to a conference on intelligence at the University of Aberystwyth, Wales, held April 23, 2002. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference.
“Chassé-croisé des stratégies: les États-Unis et la France dans le siècle,” presentation to a conference on “Les Relations Franco-Américaines au XXème siècle,” held on May 24-25, 2002, under the sponsorship of Université Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle. Published in the proceedings of the conference (Pierre Mélandri and Serge Ricard, eds., Les relations franco-américaines au Xxième siècle (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2003).
“Considérations transatlantiques,” Défense (Paris), No. 103, January-February 2003.
“La Grande Nation,” Défense (Paris), No. 104, March-April 2003.
“Hunters not Gatherers: Intelligence in the 21st Century,” presentation to a conference entitled, “Journeys in Shadows: Understanding Intelligence in the 21st Century,” held at Gregynog, Wales on November 11-12, 2002. Included in the published proceedings of the conference, Journeys in Shadows (London: Routledge, 2004).
“Foi et Raison,” presentation to a conference of the Institute for Higher Studies of National Defense (UA-IHEDN), October 16-17, 2003. Included in the published proceedings of the conference, Securité, Défense, Société Civile: Nouvelles Solidarités (Paris: Ēditions Italiques, 2004).
“Talleyrand et la mise en perspective de la relation franco-américaine.” Presentation to a conference entitled “Talleyrand” Prince of Negotiators,” Palais de Luxembourg, Paris, February 3, 2004.
“The Florentine in Winter: François Mitterrand and the Ending of the Cold War, 1989-1991.” Presentation at Kent State University, April 23, 2004. Published in the proceedings of the conference (Mary Ann Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, eds., NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts (Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, 2008).
“Dragoon, de Gaulle et les Américains.” Presentation to a conference on “Le débarquement de Provence,” Centre d’histoire et d’études des troupes d’outre-mer, October 5-7 2004, Fréjus. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference.
“Y a-t-il un style diplomatique français?” Presentation to the Institut Diplomatique of the Quai d’Orsay, October 15, 2004.
“The Iraq Crisis and France: Heaven-Sent Opportunity or Problem from Hell?” French Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 22, Number 3, October 2004.
“Le style diplomatique français.” Presentation to “Les lundis de l’IHEDN,” January 24, 2005.
“La loi américaine sur le renseignement: réforme ou faux-semblant,” Défense Nationale, April 2005.
“Le rapprochement franco-allemand vu de Washington.” Presentation to a conference on “Reims 1945-1962 et le rapprochement franco-allemand. De la Capitulation à la Réconciliation,” Reims May 6-7, 2005. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference.
“Stay-Behind in France: Much Ado About Nothing?” Presentation to a conference on “Intelligence in Waging the Cold War: NATO, the Warsaw Pact and the Neutrals, 1949-1990,” Oslo, April 28-May 1, 2005. Published in The Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 30, Number 6, December 2007.
“Washington at the Liberation, 1944-1947.” Presentation to a conference on “Revisiting the Liberation: France 1944-47.” University of Reading, September 16-17, 2005. Published as a co-authored chapter with Andrew Knapp in The Uncertain Foundation: France at the Liberation, 1944-47, edited by Andrew Knapp. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007.
“Charles de Gaulle et Harry Truman, 1945-1946,” presentation to a conference on “De Gaulle et les presidents des Etats-Unis,” November 23, 2005. Published in Cahiers de la Fondation Charles de Gaulle, No. 16, 2006.
“Existe-t-il un style français de négociation?” Presentation to the Ecole Nationale d’Administration, Strasbourg, January 11, 2006. “Le mal du renseignement américain: coordination à la place de commande,” AGIR, No. 25, March 2006.
“L’Irak, le renseignement, et la décision politique,” Le Banquet, No. 23, March 2006.
“The Incredible Lightness of Decision: the Iraq War and WMD,” presentation to a conference at the Hanss-Seidel-Stiftung Center, Wildbad Kreuth, Bavaria, January 25-26, 2006. Published in French in Défense, No. 121, May-June 2006.
“Le style diplomatique français,” Annuaire français des relations internationales, No. 7, May 2006.
“French Negotiating Behavior.” Presentation to the Université de Thales, Jouy-en-Josas, France May 29, 2006.
“Diplomatie à la Française: Regard sur une analyse atypique,” Diplomatie, No. 21, July-August 2006, pp. 40-44.
“Le regard d’un ancient de la CIA sur les relations franco-américaines,” interview with Isabelle Lasserre and Laure Mandeville, Politique Internationale, summer 2006, No. 112 (web version).
“Overview: the Espionage of Oleg Penkovskiy,” in Exploring Intelligence Archives, eds. R. Gerald Hughes, Peter Jackson and Len Scott (London: Routledge, 2008).
“La gouvernance globale: la vision américaine.” Presentation to a conference at the French Senate on the occasion of the tenth annversary of the Ecole de Guerre Economique (EGE), April 13, 2007. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference.
“Europe’s Military Role: A View from Washington.” Presentation to a conference on “American Perceptions of the European Union,” Washington, June 4-5, 2007, sponsored by the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, and the Centre Thucydide of the Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the Conference.
“Caught in the Middle: OPEC Policies Toward the Soviet Union and the West.” Presentation to a conference on “The Energy Factor in the History of International Relations,” MGIMO University, Moscow, November 22-23, 2007.
“Talleyrand: opportunisme pour la France.” April 2008. Part of an edited volume (“L’opportunisme sous toutes ses formes”) sponsored by the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises (AIE), Aix-la-Chapelle, France. Publication forthcoming by Presses Universitaires de France.
“La force de l’État,” Diplomatie, April-May 2008, pp. 14-15.
“La République de Dieu,” Diplomatie, No. 32, May-June 2008.
“Mésentente: France and the Anglo-Americans Between the two Iraq Wars.” July 2008. Publication forthcoming in a collected work by Routledge.
“Washington, Sarkozy, and the Defense of Europe.” Presentation at the annual conference of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, August 29, 2008. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference. (Same talk given at Scripps College, Claremont, CA, September 24, 2008).
“Sarkozy, Washington and the Defense of Europe.” Presentation to the European Union Center of California, Scripps College, Claremont, CA., September 24, 2008.
“Retrospective: Afghanistan: Partners in Time.” World Policy Journal, Vol. XXV, No. 3, Fall 2008, pp. 153-56.
“Payback Time: Flemings and Walloons in Today’s Belgium.” Presentation to a conference of the Cultural Change Institute, Tufts University, October 2008. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference.
“Obama and Sarkozy: the ‘Era of Good Feeling’: Epiphenomenon or Something More?” Le Courrier, French American Chamber of Commerce, New England, Winter 2009, pp. 8-9.
“Le bilan historique des relations franco-américaines.” Presentation at Laval University, Québec, February 25, 2009.
“The New U.S. Administration: Foreseeable Policy Trends in the Greater Middle East.” Presentation to a conference of the NATO Defense College, Rome, March 4, 2009. Publication forthcoming in the proceedings of the conference.
“La diplomatie française vue des États-Unis.” Presentation to “Les Matins de l’Espadon, Maison des Polytechnicies, Paris, March 11, 2009.
Presentation to a symposium entitled, “The French-American Presidential Connection: Communication and Coordination during Crisis,” held at the Meridian International Center, Washington, April 20, 2009.
“Diplomatie à la française.” La Revue Parlementaire, No. 916, May 6, 2009.
“Les Grands axes de la présidence Sarkozy à l'international.” La Revue internationale et Stratégique, March 2010.
“La Première Phase de la Présidence Obama.” Revue des deux mondes, May 2010.